Sunday, April 12, 2015

Number Three Criteria: Food!

It's ironic that food is the third criteria for creating a great restaurant outing with kids.  But we promise you that our first two criteria, service and seating arrangement, are more crucial than the food selection.  Most if not all restaurants will offer something on the menu for your kids, and let's face it, the reason you are going out with your kids is for you to imbibe in the food (and drink!), not your kids.

One of the first tricks I learned with my oldest (and she is picky, picky, picky) is to look at the appetizers and side dishes first, not the kids menu.  Some of our favorite restaurants pride themselves on not having a kids menu, so I operate as if kid menus don't exist.  

We also try to bring something along that I know the kids will eat, a pouch, goldfish, etc.  This way no big deal if their isn't anything appetizing for them on the menu, and the bill is cheaper!  Also, we have had much success if the kids have already eaten at home, or are between meals such as brunch on the weekend.  If you choose this method however, you need rely on the art of distractions, which is our next blog post.

Some Suggestions:

  • Asian Fusion/Sushi: Miso soup, chicken fried rice, avocado/cucumber sushi
  • Mexican: Tortilla chips and Queso
  • Italian: the easiest! Any pasta and any sauce
  • Spaghetti and meatballs (or just meatballs!), hummus, carrot sticks, fruit, and bread with butter are always a hit as well!

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